The Land Before Time/Transcript (2025)

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Land Before Time transcripts
Movie transcripts
The Land Before TimeThe Land Before Time II: The Great Valley AdventureThe Land Before Time III: The Time of the Great GivingThe Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the MistsThe Land Before Time V: The Mysterious IslandThe Land Before Time VI: The Secret of Saurus RockThe Land Before Time VII: The Stone of Cold FireThe Land Before Time VIII: The Big FreezeThe Land Before Time IX: Journey to Big WaterThe Land Before Time X: The Great Longneck MigrationThe Land Before Time XI: Invasion of the TinysaurusesThe Land Before Time XII: The Great Day of the FlyersThe Land Before Time XIII: The Wisdom of FriendsThe Land Before Time XIV: Journey of the Brave
Episode transcripts
Season One
The Cave of Many VoicesThe Mysterious Tooth CrisisThe Star Day CelebrationThe Canyon of Shiny StonesThe Great Log-Running GameThe Brave Longneck SchemeThe Meadow of Jumping WatersThe Days of Rising WatersEscape From The Mysterious BeyondThe Hidden CanyonThe Legend of the Story SpeakersThe Bright Circle CelebrationThe Lonely JourneyThe Missing Fast-Water AdventureThe Spooky Nighttime AdventureThe Lone Dinosaur ReturnsStranger From the Mysterious AboveThe Forbidden FriendshipThe Amazing Threehorn GirlThe Big Longneck TestThe Hermit of Black RockReturn to Hanging RockMarch of the Sand CreepersSearch for the Sky Color StonesThrough the Eyes of a SpiketailThe Great Egg Adventure
  • [The film opens deep underwater with bubbles and small creatures abounding. The camera pans to a lighter area where various forms of prehistoric sea life are seen. This is broken by the head of a Saurolophus coming under water to eat the foliage.]
  • Narrator: Once upon this same earth, beneath this same sun, long before you... before the ape and the elephant as well... before the wolf, the bison, the whale... before the mammoth and the mastodon... was the time of the dinosaurs.
  • Triceratops: Come on!
  • Narrator: Now, the dinosaurs were of two kinds: some had flat teeth and ate the leaves of trees, and some had sharp teeth for eating meat, and they preyed upon the leaf-eaters. Then, it happened that the leaves began to die. The mighty beasts who appeared to rule earth were ruled, in truth, by the leaf. Desperate for food, some dinosaur herds stuck out toward the west, searching for their Great Valley--a land still lush and green. It was a journey toward life. It was a march of many dangers. Sharpteeth stalked the herds, waiting to seize any who strayed. The leaf-eaters stopped only to hatch their young.
  • [An egg hatches into a baby Saurolophus girl. Meanwhile, A Triceratops baby girl hatched.]
  • Narrator: Some of the young seemed born without fear. [A thunderstorm suddenly breaks and Cera runs under her mother for protection. Elsewhere, in the swamp, an apatosaurus family eats lazily around their nest. There is a stretch of mud full of broken eggs, but one egg is still intact and unhatched. This egg begins to shake with life. When a hungry Ornithomimus lurks in.] Yet... even hatching could be dangerous. One herd had only a single baby; their last hope for the future. : And they called him... Littlefoot.
  • Littlefoot's Mother: Here l am.
  • Littlefoot's Mother: Don't be frightened. Come out.
  • Narrator: All that remained of his herd was his mother, grandmother, and his grandfather. He knew them by sight, by scent, and by their love. He knew they would be together always.
  • Littlefoot's Mother: Now, you be careful, my Littlefoot.
  • Littlefoot's Mother: Beautiful Littlefoot.

[Years past]

  • Littlefoot: Mother, is this all there is to eat?
  • Littlefoot's Mother: l'm sorry, my dear. The land has been changing. That is why we must walk as far as we can each day, until we reach the Great Valley. Littlefoot, quickly, come here. Look, up there. A tree star. It is very special.
  • Littlefoot: [Giggling] A tree star.
  • Littlefoot's Mother: It is very special. lt'll help you grow strong.
  • Littlefoot: Where we are going? There are so many of these leaves.
  • Littlefoot's Mother: Come along.
  • Littlefoot’s Grandparents: (laughs)
  • Littlefoot's Mother: The great valley is filled with green food, more than you could ever eat and more cool water than you could ever drink. It's a wonderful, beautiful place, where we'll live happily with many more of our own kind.
  • Littlefoot: When will we get there?
  • Littlefoot's Mother: The bright circle must pass over many times. We must follow it to where it touches the ground.
  • Littlefoot: Have you ever seen the Great Valley?
  • Littlefoot's Mother: No.
  • Littlefoot: Well, how do you know it's really there?
  • Littlefoot's Mother: Some things you see with your eyes; others you see with your heart.
  • Littlefoot: [sighs]l don't understand, Mother.
  • Littlefoot's Mother: You will, my son. You will.
  • Littlefoot: [Giggling]
  • Littlefoot's Mother: Littlefoot, don't you wander too far.
  • Cera: Hey!
  • Littlefoot: Ha ha ha!
  • Cera: What are you laughing at?
  • Littlefoot's Mother: Littlefoot!
  • Cera's Father: Come, Cera. Three-horns never play with long-necks.
  • [Cera blows raspberries at Littlefoot. Then, her father scowls and growls at Littlefoot in the spite that his comment is that threehorns must not play with longnecks; meaning that threehorns and longnecks do not mix.]
  • Littlefoot's Mother: Littlefoot!
  • Cera: Three-horns never play with long-necks.
  • Littlefoot: A long-neck? Hmm. Mother, what's a long-neck?
  • Littlefoot's Mother: Why, that's what we are, dear.
  • Littlefoot: Oh. Well, why can't l play with that three-horn? We were having fun.
  • Littlefoot's Mother: We all keep to our own kind--The three-horns, the spike tails, the swimmers, the fliers. We never do anything together.
  • Littlefoot: Why?
  • Littlefoot's Mother: Well, because we're different. lt's always been that way.
  • Littlefoot: Well, why?
  • Littlefoot's Mother: Oh, don't worry so much. When we reach the Great Valley, there will be many long-necks for you to play with.
  • Littlefoot: l wish we were there now.
  • Littlefoot's Mother: lt's a long way-- Past the rock that looks like a long-neck, the mountains that burn. Still a long way, but we'll get there.
  • Littlefoot: Oh!
  • Littlefoot: Hey, hopper, come back!
  • Littlefoot: Hey.
  • Cera: You again? Go away! That's my hopper.
  • Littlefoot: l--l saw him first.
  • Cera: Well, he's in my pond.
  • Cera: Ha ha ha!
  • Littlefoot: Over here.
  • Cera: Hey, this is fun.
  • Cera: Ohh! Sharptooth!
  • Littlefoot: Help! Mother! Help!
  • Littlefoot Go! This way!
  • Cera: Mm-mmm.
  • Littlefoot: Come back. You're going the wrong way! Aah!
  • Littlefoot: Aah!
  • Cera: Aah!
  • Littlefoot: Mother?
  • Littlefoot's Mother: Run! Look out!
  • Littlefoot & Cera: Aah! Ohh! Oh!
  • Cera: Help!
  • Littlefoot: Mother!
  • Littlefoot & Cera: Aah!
  • Cera: DADDY!!!! [runs off a bit, but a cliff is cut in half] AAAH!!!! AAAH!!!!
  • Narrator: In this time of the clashing of continents, a great earthquake split the land. Herds were divided. Families were cut in two. Littlefoot was separated from his grandparents.
  • [The earthquake comes to complete stop, and a little of the top breaks off].
  • Cera's Dad: [calling out to his daughter] Cera!
  • Cera: Mama! Daddy!
  • Narrator: Cera was on one side of the divide; her parents were on the other.
  • [Night falls and rain starts falling.]
  • Littlefoot: [looking for his mother] Mother! [no answer; he calls out again] Mother! [still no answer; he jumps over a small gap] Mother, where are you?
  • Littlefoot's Mother: Oh.
  • Littlefoot: [sees his mother who is injured from the fight] Mother! Mother? Please get up.
  • Littlefoot's Mother: [weakly] I'm....! I am not sure if I can, Littlefoot.
  • Littlefoot: Yes, you can. Get up.
  • [She tries to get up as her son asks. But a few seconds later, she falls back down due to her injuries.]
  • Littlefoot's Mother: Dear, sweet Littlefoot? Do you remember...? ...the way to the Great Valley?
  • Littlefoot: [sniffs; cries] I guess so. But how do I know if you are going to be with me?
  • Littlefoot's Mother: I'll be with you. Even if you can't see me.
  • Littlefoot: [confused; cries] What do you mean I can't see you? I can always see you.
  • Littlefoot's Mother: [with her last spoken words] Littlefoot, let your heart guide you. [uses the last of her strength] It whispers, so listen closely.
  • Littlefoot: [voice breaks into serious tears as his mother dies] Mother? Mother?
  • Rooter: Hey! What's going on here? [hears Littlefoot crying] What's your problem? You're not hurt. [he wants to know why Littlefoot is crying]
  • Littlefoot: [tearfully; in serious anger] It's not fair! She should have knew better. That was Sharptooth. It is all her fault.
  • Rooter: All whose fault?
  • Littlefoot: [tearfully answers Rooter's question] Mother's.
  • Rooter: [but soon understands why Littlefoot is crying] Oh. I see. I see.
  • Littlefoot: Why did I wander so far from home?
  • Rooter: Oh, it's not your fault. It's not your mother's fault, either. Now, you pay attention to ol' Rooter. It is nobody's fault. The Great Circle of Life has begun. But you see, not all of us arrive together at the end.
  • Littlefoot: What'll I do? I am going to miss her so much.
  • Rooter: And you might always miss her. But she'll always be with you, as long as you remember the things she taught you. In a way, you'll never be apart, for you are still part of each other.
  • Littlefoot: My tummy hurts.
  • Rooter: Well, that, too, should go in time, little fella. Only in time. [departs]
  • Narrator: At first, Littlefoot could only think about his mother. He hardly noticed his hunger and forgot that he must reach the Great Valley.
  • Littlefoot's Mother: Littlefoot. Littlefoot. Dear Littlefoot, do you remember the way to the Great Valley? Follow the bright circle past the great rock that looks like a long-neck and past the mountains that burn. I'll be in your heart, Littlefoot. Let your heart guide you.
  • Littlefoot: Mother. Mother! Hee hee hee! Mother! Heh heh! It's you! Wait, Mother! Wait! (realizes it's his own shadow)
  • Narrator: Then, Littlefoot knew for certain that he was alone and that though the Great Valley was far away and the journey perilous, he'd have to find his way, or the chain of life would be broken.
  • Littlefoot: Cera! Cera, hello.
  • Cera: What do you want?
  • Littlefoot: Nothing. Where are you going?
  • Cera: l'm going to find my own kind. They're on the other side.
  • Littlefoot: You can't climb up the other side.
  • Cera: Maybe you can't. Uhh! Uhh!
  • Littlefoot: l'm going to the Great Valley. We could... help each other.
  • Cera: Ha! A three-horn--Uhh!--does not need help from a long-neck. [Gasp] Aah!
  • Littlefoot: W-well, at least we wouldn't be alone.
  • Cera: Well, when I find my sisters, I won't be alone. So, go away. Three-horns can be very dangerous. They only talk with other three-horns, and they only travel with other three-horns.
  • Ducky: Hello. l said hello. What is your name? Maybe you cannot talk yet. Huh? Huh?
  • Littlefoot:Don't you know anything?Long-necks don't talk to, uh, whatever you are.
  • Ducky: Me? I'm a long-neck, too. See? And I have a long tail like you. All right... I'm not a long-neck. I'm a bigmouth, but I am all alone.I am. I lost my family in the big earthshake.
  • Littlefoot:Um... you want to go with me?
  • Ducky: Yeah! Oh. Oh, yes, yes, yes! I do, I do!
  • Littlefoot: All right. Come on... but you have to keep up.
  • Ducky: I will keep up. I will. [Hums] Where are we going?
  • Littlefoot: To the Great Valley. I'm not gonna stop until I find my grandparents.
  • Ducky: Do you think my family went to the Great Valley, too?
  • Littlefoot: Maybe. My mother said it's where all the herds were going.
  • Ducky: Oh, I hope. I hope. I hope.
  • Littlefoot: My name's Littlefoot.
  • Ducky: Mine is Ducky. Yep, that's what it is. Yep, yep, yep.
  • Ducky: [humming] Don't step on a crack, or you'll fall and break your back.
  • [Ducky's stomach growls]
  • Ducky:Heh heh.My stomach is talking.
  • Littlefoot: Mine, too. Hmm. I wonder what this tastes like.
  • [Littlefoot grabs a leaf until someone screamed.]
  • Ducky: The tree is talking.
  • Littlefoot: No, it isn't.
  • Ducky: You should not eat talking trees. Nope, nope, nope.
  • Littlefoot: Aaaaaaaaah!!!!
  • Ducky: Aaaahh!
  • [Littlefoot screams, accidentally letting go of the branch, sending a screaming creature through the air. Ducky goes over to check on him. It was a small Pteranodon.]
  • Ducky: Who are you? Huh?
  • Petrie: M-my name Petrie.
  • Ducky: Petrie, huh? Funny name.
  • Petrie: Uh, I--I flied?
  • Ducky:No. You falled.
  • Petrie: I falled? Ohh!
  • Ducky: You cannot fly? But how did you get way up there?
  • Petrie: I climb.
  • Littlefoot: But you're a flier, not a faller.
  • Petrie: Hard thing to fly.
  • Littlefoot: I guess it is.
  • Ducky: We can't do it. Nope, we cannot.
  • Littlefoot: Shh! Quiet. Stay low.
  • Littlefoot: Ow! Hey! Petrie! Get off!
  • Petrie: You got nice flat head, Flathead.
  • Littlefoot: My name is not Flathead. My name is Littlefoot.
  • Petrie: Littlefoot? Hmm.
  • Littlefoot: Are you just going to stay up there?
  • Petrie: Yes.
  • Littlefoot: Well, you can't. You're tearing my tree star.
  • Ducky: lt is very special. His mother gave it to him. She did.
  • Petrie: Ooh! Mother present. Very important. l keep safes. Don't let nobodies touch.
  • Ducky: Yep, Petrie, you keep it safe. Yep.
  • Littlefoot: Nope. l'm not a carrier. Get off! You're a flier. Start flying.
  • Petrie: B-b-b-but--waah! Waah! Aah! Aah!
  • Littlefoot: Open your wings, Petrie!
  • Ducky: Open! Open!
  • Petrie: No can do this!
  • Littlefoot: You can fly! Now, open your skinny wings!
  • Ducky: Petrie, higher! Higher like a flier!
  • Petrie: Danger!
  • Ducky: Where, Petrie?
  • Petrie: Th-th-there! Ahead!
  • Littlefoot: - Whoa!
  • All: Whoa!
  • Cera: Aah!
  • Littlefoot: Cera! lt's you! What happened? Why are you so frightened?
  • Cera: Frightened? Me? Ha ha ha! Why are you so frightened?
  • Littlefoot: We're not frightened... are we?
  • Ducky: Nope, nope.
  • Cera: Well, you should be. l could be with the other three-horns, but l came back to warn you. l met the sharptooth!
  • Petrie: Sharptooth! Ooh!
  • Littlefoot: Come on, Cera. Sharptooth is dead. He fell down into the big underground.
  • Cera: And that's... where he met me.
  • Ducky: Oh! Dear, brave Cera. Dear, brave Cera.
  • Cera: Yes, l am brave.
  • Littlefoot: Sharptooth is dead!
  • Cera: My father told me that flatheads had very small brains. l was all alone with him in the dark, just the sharptooth and me. l could hear him breathing.
  • Petrie: Aah!
  • Cera: l could see his one big ugly eye looking for me.
  • Ducky: [Gasp] What did you do? Huh? Huh?
  • Cera: l walked right up to him. I looked him straight in the eye and said... [Hrraah]
  • Ducky: Aah! Whoa! Uhh!
  • Littlefoot: Ducky!
  • [Ducky spots something in a bush. As she looked inside, she saw that it was an egg.]
  • Ducky: Hello. Hello? You should come out. You should. You are late. Yes, you are. Yep, yep, yep. Come out! You are all alone. Are you not scared?
  • [Ducky starts peeking the egg shell off.]
  • Ducky: We're going to the Great Valley. You could go with us. Yes. Uh, you are a spiketail, so we will call you Spike.
  • Littlefoot: Ducky!
  • Narrator: So the five hungry dinosaurs left for the Great Valley. There had never been such a herd-- A long-neck, a three-horn, a bigmouth, a flier, and a spiketail, all knowing that if they lost their way, they would starve or find themselves in sharptooth's shadow.
  • Littlefoot: Hmm. Tree stars grow where there's lots of water. lf we follow this water...
  • Petrie: [Sniff Sniff] Hmm. No green foods here, and l still hungry.
  • Ducky: l'm still hungry, too. Aah!
  • Littlefoot: Can you smell something?
  • Petrie: [Sniff Sniff] l...l... l smell... l smell... l smell... Hmm... Ducky.
  • Ducky: You smell me? Heh heh.
  • Littlefoot: l smell water. l smell... tree stars!
  • Cera: Oh, look!
  • Ducky: Green food!
  • Littlefoot: The Great Valley!
  • Cera: l found it!
  • Littlefoot: Cera, stop it!
  • Cera: l found it!
  • Littlefoot: Earthshake!
  • Cera: We've got to get out of here!
  • Littlefoot: That way! Come on!
  • Cera: Help!
  • Ducky: Spike, hurry up!
  • Littlefoot: Ducky, Spike, get out of there!
  • Cera: They're eating our food! Look, look what they're doing! They're so greedy! What about me? l'm still hungry!
  • Petrie: Haah! You hungry? l empty to the top. We at the Great Valley and still no foods. We be hungry forevers. Ohh!
  • Littlefoot: No, Petrie. Cera was wrong. This isn't the Great Valley.
  • Ducky: Oh, it is not a great anything. Nope, nope, nope.
  • Littlefoot: We better go down and see if anything's left. Petrie, could you fly up there and--
  • Petrie: No!
  • Ducky: Petrie, do not feel sad. Many things do not fly--Rocks, trees, sticks, Spike.
  • Petrie: Waah!
  • Littlefoot: Ducky, push Petrie towards the branches.
  • Petrie: Ohh!
  • Littlefoot: Ok, Spike, not too fast.
  • All: Whoa!
  • Littlefoot: Ok. Hey, not too fast. Hey, not too fast!
  • All: Aah!
  • Cera: You four look so ridiculous. Ha ha ha ha!
  • Petrie: Ohh!
  • Littlefoot: Ducky, Petrie, come down here! We've got green food!
  • Ducky: Fly, Petrie!
  • Petrie: Aah!
  • Ducky: Fly, Petrie! Flap your wings!
  • Petrie: [Awk] l flied?
  • Littlefoot: Come on, Cera. We've got green food.
  • Cera: l can get my own green food. See? l can take care of myself... all by myself. And l'm not afraid to be alone! l know my way to go, and l'm not afraid of Sharptooth! l hope he doesn't eat any of you.
  • Littlefoot: Don't worry. There isn't any sharptooth.
  • Ducky [whispers] Sharptooth... Spike.
  • Littlefoot: There isn't any sharptooth.
  • [As morning came, Cera woke up to hear a growl. She looked and saw that it was the sharptooth. She begins to wake Littlefoot up.]
  • Cera: Wake up. Wake up! Wake up!
  • Littlefoot: Hey, stop that.
  • Cera: [whispering] Shh! lt's Sharptooth.
  • Littlefoot: Cera, stop it.
  • Cera: Shh! He'll eat us. He'll eat us! RUUNN!
  • Littlefoot: Come back!
  • Cera: Don't look back! Keep going!
  • Cera: Now, will you believe me?
  • Littlefoot: We're safe now.
  • Cera: Nobody's safe with you.
  • Littlefoot: Look. That rock looks like a long-neck, like my mother said. We're going the right way, the way to the Great Valley!
  • Narrator: Littlefoot had been wrong about the sharptooth, but the others followed. Their only hope was the Great Valley. Littlefoot alone knew the way.
  • Littlefoot: Come on. Get up. We're going the right way. We got to keep moving. You can't quit. What if the Great Valley is just over these rocks?
  • Narrator: Though they were sore-stumped and tired, Littlefoot urged them on. He'd never seen the Great Valley, but his heart told him they were close. Surely at the top, they'd behold it.
  • Cera: This is your Great Valley? You’re crazy. l'm leaving.
  • Littlefoot: Cera, we have to keep following the bright circle.
  • Cera: l'm taking the easy way for once.
  • Littlefoot: But it’s the wrong way.
  • Cera: Who says?
  • Littlefoot: My mother.
  • Cera: Then she was a stupid long-neck, too.
  • Littlefoot: Take that back.
  • Cera: Never.
  • Littlefoot: TAKE IT BACK!
  • Cera: NO!
  • Ducky: Spike! Spike, stop! Don't fall!
  • Cera: You!
  • Littlefoot: Let go of my leg!
  • Ducky: Spike.
  • Cera: Take that! Huh!
  • Littlefoot: Go on! Go the wrong way. We never wanted you with us anyway. Come on. We have to keep going. Come on.
  • Ducky: Cera's way is easier.
  • Petrie: l think so, too. Oh, Flathead, wait! Ooh! Aah! Ow! No be angry. Wait!
  • Ducky: Cera, wait for us!
  • Petrie: We're coming with you, Cera!
  • Littlefoot: Cera, Spike, wait!
  • Ducky: l wish Littlefoot was here with us now.
  • Petrie: Me, too.
  • Ducky: Spike. Spike, do not stop! We must stay together!
  • Petrie: A-a-a-aah! Aah! Whoa! Cera, l-- Whoa! Oh, Cera, Ducky, Spike! Help!
  • Ducky: Help, Cera!
  • Littlefoot: Cera, where are you?
  • Ducky: Littlefoot!
  • Littlefoot: Ducky!
  • Petrie: Littlefoot!
  • Littlefoot: Hang on! l'm coming!
  • Ducky: Littlefoot!
  • Littlefoot: Quick, this way! Hang on, Petrie!
  • Petrie: Help! Ooh!
  • Littlefoot: Ducky! Spike!
  • Petrie: Oh, Petrie am so happy.
  • Littlefoot: Jump, Petrie! Help, Ducky! Petrie, pull!
  • Ducky: Petrie.
  • [Cera is being chased by charging pachycephalosauruses.]
  • Cera: Aah! Help! Help! Aah! Aah! Help me! Help!
  • Monster: (Gurgles)
  • Cera: Get away from me! Aah! Let go of me! Help! Help! Petrie, Spike, Ducky, help!
  • Ducky: Cera, it is us.
  • Cera: Aah!
  • All: Ha ha ha!
  • Cera: l knew it was you all along. l did! Oh, get out of my way.
  • Littlefoot: Cera? Cera, come back! Come back!
  • Narrator: Cera was still too proud to admit that... she'd gone the wrong way.
  • [Cera realized that she had taken them the wrong way and felt like it's her fault. She begins to cry.]
  • [Meanwhile, the gang cleaned themselves up in the water. Suddenly, Petrie noticed something.]
  • Petrie: Aah! Sharptooth!
  • Ducky: It's sharptooth.
  • [Sharptooth showed up]
  • Littlefoot: Let's get rid of him once it for all.
  • Ducky: What well we do?
  • Littlefoot: Look. We'll coax him to deep water. He can't swim with scrawny arms. Me and Spike will push that rock on his head. He'll fall into the water. Petrie, whistle when he's where the water gets dark. Now we need some bait. Hmm.
  • Ducky: Me? Oh, no. No, no, no, no.
  • Ducky: Aah!
  • Littlefoot Ducky!
  • Petrie: Ducky! [Whistles]
  • Littlefoot: Push, Spike, with all your might!
  • Petrie: Ha ha ha!
  • Littlefoot: Petrie!
  • Petrie: l flying. l flying! l flying!
  • Ducky: Help!
  • Littlefoot: Petrie!
  • Cera: l'm coming!
  • Littlefoot: Cera, you're back!
  • Petrie: Aah!
  • Ducky: He was my friend. Poor Petrie! Poor, poor Petrie. Petrie.
  • Petrie: Stop! You go without Petrie?
  • Ducky: Petrie. Oh! Petrie, you're safe! Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep!
  • Littlefoot's Mother:Littlefoot. Littlefoot.
  • Littlefoot: Mother!
  • Littlefoot's Mother: Littlefoot.
  • Littlefoot: Mother? l tried to do what you told me, but it's just too hard. l'll never find the Great Valley.
  • Littlefoot: Mother. Mother! Don't go, Mother! Don't go!
  • Littlefoot: The Great Valley. Cera, Spike, Ducky, Petrie, over here!
  • Ducky: Littlefoot, you found it! Yep, yep, yep.
  • Littlefoot: We did it. We did it together!
  • Narrator: The Great Valley was all they dreamed it would be-- A land of green, leaves and life. There were waterfalls, grassy meadows, enough tree stars to feast on forever and raising upon them, their families.
  • Ducky: This is our new brother Spike.
  • Petrie: Mama, l a flier!
  • Petrie's Family: Yay!
  • Cera: Daddy!
  • Cera's Father: Cera?
  • Cera: Daddy.
  • Narrator: And Littlefoot found his grandmother and grandfather at last. The same loving faces he'd looked into on the day of his birth.
  • Cera: Littlefoot! Come on. l'll race you.
  • Narrator: And they all grew up together in the valley-- Generation upon generation, each passing on to the next: The tale of their ancestors' journey to the valley... long ago.

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The Land Before Time/Transcript (2025)


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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.